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We hope that mankind and the environment live together

CI of Eco-dream is combined with symbol mark of Eco-dream that means that the company will always consider the environment and make every effort to protect the environment.
Green color is used to cover environment-friendly business fields and to express the will to become a reliable company.
Furthermore, it contains the dream of Eco-dream that will constantly make effort so that mankind and the environment can live together.

Logo type

CI is a core element and symbol to express identity of Eco-dream consistently.

Greed system
  • 에코드림 워드마크 이미지1
  • 에코드림 워드마크 이미지2

Word mark of Eco-dream is a representative symbol that expresses the image of the company, it is important to use it according to the regulations of exact guideline.
CI of Eco-dream should comply with regulations on colors and spaces, and its shape never be changed or revised in any case.

CI download
Color system
  • Eco Green

    PANTONE 349C
    C89 M49 Y100 K13
    R0 G104 B53

  • White

    PANTONE White
    C0 M0 Y0 K0
    R255 G255 B255

  • Black

    PANTONE Black
    C0 M0 Y0 K100
    R0 G0 B0

Eco Green colors contain identity of Eco-dream that expresses environment friendliness.
The colors shouldn’t be randomly changed and only regulated colors should be used.

Application of colors
  • Eco Green & White Application of colors CI

    Eco Green & White

  • Black & White Application of colors CI

    Black & White